Monday, March 20, 2017

3 most useful android tips and tricks

3 most useful android tips and tricks

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3 most useful android tips and tricks

Android is awesome. With the user-base of more than a billion people, it is by far the most used and the most popular mobile operating system. Every year we see tons of smartphones launch in the market which eventually leads to an increase the number of people who use this OS.

Android has improved by leaps and bounds over the years. I have been using Android device for last 4 or 5 years. And after spending that much time with it, I’ve learned a lot of tricks and tips to improve my experience. In this article, I am sharing 3 of those simple and useful tricks. Read on to learn something awesome.

1. Set Default USB Connection Type In Android Marshmallow

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If you are using Android Marshmallow for a while you must have realized that when you connect your phone to a PC via data cable, the default setting is charging only. To transfer files you have to pull down the notification menu and select the MTP or PTP protocol. Did you know that you can change the default setting from charge only to any other protocol? To do so you must enable the developer options. Now open the developer options and look for “Select USB Configuration”. Tap on it and set one of the protocol as default. In order for this trick to work make sure that you don’t turn off the developer mode.

2. Exclude Apps From Doze Mode

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With the addition of some awesome features, Android Marshmallow is a refinement over Lolli One such feature Doze. Doze is a new technique to increase or maintain your phone’s battery life. It is awesome when it works. To efficiently maintain the battery life Doze puts all your apps and the incoming notifications in sleep mode when you are not using the device. To keep receiving notification from an app when doze is active you’ll have to exclude it from doze mode. To do so open your phone’s settings and go to
To keep receiving notification from an app when doze is active you’ll have to exclude it from doze mode. To do so open your phone’s settings and go to “Battery”. Now tap on the three vertical dots on the top right corner and select “Battery optimization” from the menu. Then tap on “Not optimized” and select “All apps”. Now you’ll see all the apps that are optimized for doze mode. Tap on the app that you want to exclude from doze and select “Don’t optimize” from the menu. Now that app will stay active even when your phone is in doze mode.

3. Instant App Search In Google Now Launcher

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Google Now Launcher is simple, elegant, and one of the best Android launcher out there. This simple trick that lets you search for apps in the app drawer instantly could come handy if you have tons of apps. To instantly search the app drawer simply long press the app drawer icon on the home screen and you’ll be sent to the app drawer, the search box will be highlighted, and the keyboard will appear to type the search terms.

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